Differentiate your business
with Authentic Data Sources,
Free from Fakes
RuleWatcher edu.
The accuracy of AI depends greatly on the quality of the data it references, and RuleWatcher automatically collects carefully selected official information from each country on a daily basis. The data is streamlined and formatted uniformly so that your AI can output reports that are easy to read and exceed your imagination in a short time.
Areas of use
― 炭谷俊樹
1996年より子どもの探究心に注目した教育を実践し、2022年教育の国際賞であるEducation 2.0-Outstanding Leadership Awardを受賞
著書『第3の教育』『ゼロから始める社会起業』『実践 課題解決の新技術』
RuleWatcher edu. を使った授業って?
2024年7月23日、新設された文理探究科で行われた探究授業では、夢中になって画面に向かう生徒たちの姿がありました。時に真剣に、時にはお互いの画面を見ながら談笑し、主体的に授業が進んでいる様子です。この授業のテーマは「自分の好きな食べ物が世界でどのように扱われているか」。 最初に先生からグローバルイシューに関する基礎知識のインプットで対話を行ったのち、各自が好きな食べ物をキーワードに、世界中の政策情報データベースを検索。自動翻訳を駆使した多言語の、しかも最新のデータベースには、もちろん先生も知らない情報が溢れています。 想像もしなかった国が、思わぬ政策を掲げているなど次々と新たな記事を発見しては、読み・選び・まとめ、その後に調査結果をシェアしました。身近な興味と社会が繋がる体験…これから社会で必要となる学びのスキルを体験することができました。
2024年9月17日、文系理系が共に学ぶ3年生の授業。情報活用と社会問題を結ぶ、ディスカッションワークを含んだ2コマつづきのクラスでは、私の「嫌いなこと」に着目。納得のいかないルール、不正な方法で得をする人、子供を虐待する人、そんな社会からなくなればいいのに、という各自の気持ちを「社会の問題」としてとらえなおし、RuleWatcher eduを使って他国ではどのような問題があるのかを探索しました。生徒からは、「グループワークでは、お互いの価値観を知ることが大変おもしろく、また、その価値観から社会問題を見つけていくことができるというのが発見だった」というフィードバックがありました。
RuleWatcher edu. で見えるデータは?
Groups of information organized by global issue
Climate Mitigation
Climate Adaptation
Water Issues
Plastic Issues
Intelligent Vehicle
Impact of Blockchain
ELSI in Space Tech
Privacy Protection
Global Environment
Tech and Society
Human Rights
Business Human Rights
Food System
World Education
Universal Human Rights
New Economy
Sustainable Finance
Circular Economy
Re-think Capitalism
RuleWatcher edu. の情報源は?
Get the true value of AI with official, up-to-date, multilingual data in a standardized format, a unique data source
01. Only official information with the selected sources
Think tanks and national agencies use "official primary information" officially released by government agencies, UN agencies, NGOs, etc. from around the world to interpret international trends. Secondary information processed by the media or others mixes the intentions of each position. RuleWatcher only collects verified official primary information.
* With the Standard Plan (described below), we also accept inquiries regarding adding additional sources of information.
02. With up-to-date data every day
RuleWatcher automatically collects information from over 1,400 websites around the world every day. It removes noise from the collected data and accumulates the latest data. Unlike search engines and reports from others, you will not be misled by outdated information.
03. Transcends language barriers
The days when it was enough to only look at information from developed countries are over. Now, keeping a close eye on information from the Global South is becoming a key part of business. At RuleWatcher, all data is standardized in English, and it is possible to get an overview through AI-generated summaries. Information sources are constantly being expanded, allowing you to keep track of the movements of organizations and countries that you should be watching right now.*
04. Classification by experts in each field
The data is categorized into 15 themes, mainly focusing on social and environmental fields, which are essential for understanding future business trends. It is also tagged with the cooperation of experts in various fields, allowing users to comprehensively browse related information. For example, the term "cultured meat" has several words, but traditionally, information written in expressions that you are unfamiliar with will be missed. In order to handle these synonyms together, they are tagged with a single word to prevent omissions.
*1 The data in this service includes mechanical English translations and summaries. Therefore, we are not responsible for the reliability, accuracy, completeness, recency, completeness, timeliness, etc. of the data.
RuleWatcher has been selected as one of the Global Top 100 by the International Research Center of Artificial Intelligence under the auspices of UNESCO as an excellent project for utilizing artificial intelligence with ethical considerations.
RuleWatcher is an excellent project based on environmental issues that uses ICT to create a social impact.
We have received the World Summit Awards (WSA), which is run by the United Nations .