Research using RuleWatcher, a tool for visualizing environmental and human rights rule trends operated by OSINTech Inc. (Kobe City, Hyogo Prefecture; President: Masato Oda), was reported at an international environmental conference.

Research by Professor Hajime Sasaki, Faculty of Economics, Chuo University, on the monitoring of waste plastic policy trends for reduction policy was reported at the side event "Plastic-Free Rivers for Resilient Riverine Communities" hosted by the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) and the Asian Institute of Technology (AIT) at the 16th Asia Pacific Roundtable on Sustainable Consumption and Production.
Our RuleWatcher is being used to efficiently and timely collect information on national regulations related to single-use plastics, which is important for this research. This report shows that, as of November 16, 2022, AI has enabled the collection of more than 23,000 government documents related to microplastics from 1,018 government agencies around the world.
(Chuo University Faculty of Economics Website)
This report is a part of the results of "Future Design Research for Sustainable Plastic Utilization Society" funded by the Grant-in-Aid for Environmental Research (S-19-2(2)) and "Establishment of a Research Base for Marine Plastic Pollution in Southeast Asian Seas (JPMJSA1901)" funded by SATREPS, and was conducted as an industry-academia joint research project with our company and Mitsubishi UFJ Research & Consulting Co.
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